Youth Enrichment Links
Click on the grade level that applies to your student to see the classes currently offered or to sign up for a specific class:
Two times a year the 3rd-5th graders in cooking classes have an Iron Chef Competition with judges! In the photo below, you can see the three May 2023 winners!
The secret ingredient for this competition? BREAD! The students had to plan a menu, cook it, and serve it on the spot. There were three judges who decided the winners based on creativity, taste, and originality. The three winners were: GARRET BALLINGER, RYLEE BALLINGER, and DANI CUBIE. Congrats winners!
Quality afterschool benefits everyone in the community!
- Working parents are assured their children are safe afterschool and miss less work so employers benefit from a more productive workforce with less absenteeism
- Communities are safer and have lower youth crime rates when children are engaged in quality afterschool programs.
- Children who participate regularly in quality afterschool programs have better grades and attendance in school than their peers who did not.
Afterschool programs further benefit children and families by providing a supportive and often lasting relationship with caring adults. For many children and families, the relationship with an afterschool program or provider endures from preschool through elementary school to middle school and beyond. An afterschool program leader is often able to bridge school and community relationships to create a patchwork of care and enrichment options to support a child's evolving interests and abilities over time.
**excerpt from "Why Afterschool Quality Matters", National AfterSchool Association
About Our Youth Programs
Our MISSION at MILAN COMMUNITY EDUCATION is cooperation with parents and our community.
We will educate and prepare all of our students to be knowledgeable, responsible, contributing members of global society.
- Come discover the many diverse opportunities offered through out Community Education Program!
- Check out what we are currently offering in the drop down menu on the left.
Register online for most activities at:
No computer access? Mail registrations and payments to
Attn: Connie Cox
Milan Community Education
920 North Street
Milan, MI 48160Click on the area of interest in the drop down menu on the left for more information!
Sports Leagues
Currently looking for coaches!Please email with the sport you'd like to coach:
Dropped Classes: Classes with low enrollment may be dropped by the office. Participants will be notified and given an opportunity to transfer or receive a refund.
When Milan Schools are closed due to inclement weather, there will be NO enrichment classes, including open swim. Please check your local news or radio station for district closure information.
Milan Community Education would like to thank the community for your support. Please feel free to call or visit with any questions about our course or programs! We are confident that you will enjoy your classes at Milan Community Education!
- Do you have a special talent or interest you would like to share with others?
- Would you like to teach an enrichment class?
- Are you able to coach a sport?
- Share your skills?
- Earn some extra money?
- Is there a particular class that you would like to see offered?
Milan Community Education would like to hear from you! To serve the varied interests and needs of our community, your input on our class offerings is especially important to us. To update and improve the Milan Community Enrichment Program for adults and children, your ideas are needed!
For more information or to share your thoughts, please contact:
Connie Cox (
Milan Community Education
920 North Street
Milan, MI 48160
Tel. 734-439-5272
Fax 734-439-5278