Welcome to Milan Middle School Physical Education Class!
It is recommended by the center of disease control and prevention that every student do 1 hour of physical activity every day! Students are encouraged to complete two 30 minute aerobic activities each week as “home work” for physical education class. Many different activities can be used for their completion, for example: running, biking, roller skating/rollerblading, jump rope, dancing, stair climbing, playing tag, basketball, etc. The students are encouraged to do more activities each week, but a minimum of two is recommended. Students are encouraged to engage other people in their fitness activity, like a family member or friends.
Standard 1: Students will understand heart rate/BPM and how to achieve their target heart rate.
Level 1 Not Proficient: Students can define what BPM stands for.
Level 2 Minimally Proficient: Students can describe 2 to 4 arteries to take their pulse on.
Level 3 Proficient: Students can take their pulse and establish a target heart rate.
Level 4 Advanced: Students can analyze their target heart rate parameters and assess if their workouts are achieving their target heart.
Standard 2: Students will understand how daily participation and effort in class is important for a healthy lifestyle. Students must demonstrate all the skills in the scoring level. Emphasis is on daily participation in class and going above and beyond what is required each day.
Level 1 Not Proficient: Student participates in 25%-50% of activities on a daily basis. Student does not try their best during activities and must be motivated on a daily basis to participate.
Level 2 Minimally Proficient: Student participates in 50%-75% of activities on a daily basis. Student does not try their best during activities and must be motivated to participate on a regular basis.
Level 3 Proficient: Student participates in all activities on a daily basis. Student may give full effort on most activities but is not fully involved/trying best in 100% of activities.
Level 4 Advanced: Student fully participates in all activities on a daily basis--100% effort. Student goes above and beyond during class by helping others, motivating students, and is a leader in class.
Standard 3: Students applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance in volleyball.
Level 1 Not Proficient: Students can describe proper technique when performing skills.
Level 2 Minimally Proficient: Students can identify why proper technique’s are important and what will happen if performed wrong.
Level 3 Proficient: Students can perform proper technique.
Level 4 Advanced: Students can evaluate and analyze proper technique in others and help correct
Standard 4: Students applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance in basketball.
Level 1 Not Proficient: Students can describe proper technique when performing skills.
Level 2 Minimally Proficient: Students can identify why proper technique’s are important and what will happen if performed wrong.
Level 3 Proficient: Students can perform proper technique.
Level 4 Advanced: Students can evaluate and analyze proper technique in others and help correct.
Standard 5: Students applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance in soccer.
Level 1 Not Proficient: Students can describe proper technique when performing skills.
Level 2 Minimally Proficient: Students can identify why proper technique’s are important and what will happen if performed wrong.
Level 3 Proficient: Students can perform proper technique.
Level 4 Advanced: Students can evaluate and analyze proper technique in others and help correct.
Standard 6: Students applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance in football.
Level 1 Not Proficient: Students can describe proper technique when performing skills.
Level 2 Minimally Proficient: Students can identify why proper technique’s are important and what will happen if performed wrong.
Level 3 Proficient: Students can perform proper technique.
Level 4 Advanced: Students can evaluate and analyze proper technique in others and help correct.