• Salamanders - Room E38 - Phone: 734-439-5108
    Lead Teacher: Jaime Jagodzinski, jagodzinskij@milanareaschools.org

    Welcome to the Salamander Classroom. 

    In our preschool classroom, children are active participants in the process of learning new concepts through individual and group experiences and activities. Our goal is to provide a classroom where imagination and knowledge can be explored and nurtured, and where play and learning are intertwined. Our preschoolers have many opportunities incorporated into their day to support the development of self-help and social skills which are an important component for their transition to kindergarten. 

    Young children like to seek out activities and play experiences where they can make discoveries and achieve an understanding of their world. Each week our lesson plan will link together specific curriculum items integrating activities that reflect the children’s interests. Through play, these activities support development in the HighScope Curriculum which supports these experiences that children need to help them grow and prosper. The HighScope Curriculum’s content areas and key developmental indicators (KDIs) are guideposts defining both our beliefs about how children develop and the actions we must take to support that development. HighScope’s eight curriculum content areas are: 

    1. Approaches to Learning 
    2. Social and Emotional Development 
    3. Physical Development and Health 
    4. Language, Literacy, and Communication
    5. Mathematics 
    6. Creative Arts 
    7. Science and Technology
    8. Social Studies

    The children have opportunities for hands-on experimenting and interactions with classmates, which encourages them to make predictions and experience outcomes in all areas of learning.  There are also special activities, which include visits to the nature center, music, and gym. Through teacher-directed and child-initiated activities, teachers can observe and assess as children develop and strengthen their skills.  These outcomes are shared with parents during conferences.

    Our goal for the children is a relationship-based environment with peers, teachers, and families working together to enhance learning, create friendships, and promote positive outcomes.

    If you have any questions about our classroom’s curriculum, please do not hesitate to ask a teacher. We are so happy to be working with you this year!

Salamander Teachers



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Jaime Jagodzinski

Welcome to the Salamander Classroom! My name is Mrs. Jaime Jagodzinski, students and parents may call me Mrs. J, it's a lot easier.

I started with Paddock's Early Childhoood center as an Infant/Toddler Teacher in 2004, then moved into Preschool in 2007. I took a leave of absence in Fall 2013 and
returned in Winter 2015, and I have been here ever since. The Salamander Room is my second home.

Family means everything to me. I am the oldest of three (sister, Jennifer, “an educator,” and brother, Jason, “Commander in the US Navy”). I had the BEST MOM in the WORLD. My very handy and intelligent dad lives in West Virginia. I have three nieces (one getting married in October) and four nephews (the oldest is graduating this school year) for whom I would do anything for them. My incredible and loving husband, Chris, and I have been married for 19 years this November and together for 22. He is a Saline Special Education Teacher Consultant and a football and track coach.

I am excited about getting to know your child and all of you. I see a bright and fun school year with a ton of learning, playing and, best of all, LOVE involved in each day we are together.

Salamander Reminders, Information and Documents

  • Hello families!  We are excited to see you! 

    • Extra complete set of clothes in ziplock (shoes too if possible).
    • Nap things (need a small blanket...small stuffed buddy and sheet is optional).
    • Family photo (just one to display on our wall...you will get back at the end of the year).
    • Pull-ups or wipes if needed (we will have labeled buckets for their things).
    Please send your child with these:
    • Tennis shoes
    • Light jacket 
    • Healthy choices for lunches 



Degrees and Certifications:

Miss Kaylee Marlow

This is my second year here at PECC! I had my student teaching in the GSRP hallway in fall 2021 and I loved it so much I had to come back! I am SO excited to be here with your children and in the Salamander classroom!

Family is so important to me. I have a sister who is 5 years older than me (her name is Shaylin) and I have a brother who is 11 months younger than me (his name is Dylan)! My siblings and I are all very close!