Founded on Tradition - Focused on Excellence
The Milan community has a wealth of opportunities and activities available for the enrichment of our families.Below is the contact information for various programs our community has to offer:
Milan Parks and Recreation
Milan Public Library
Milan Swim Club
Milan Youth Soccer Club
Milan Youth League (Baseball)
Dance Explosion
Milan Tae Kwon Do
Milan Chamber of Commerce
AID IN MILAN: offers crisis intervention, food pantry access and more to families in need in Milan
Autism Collaborative Center at EMU: Provides assessment, intervention and referral services to persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Bridges4kids: Parent organization that provides information and referral for parents of children with special needs from birth through transition to adult life.
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (CHADD): Provides education, advocacy and support for individuals with ADHD.
Early On Michigan: Coordinates early intervention and other services for families who have children (ages 0-36 months) experiencing developmental delays or who have disabilities or special needs.
Ele's Place: Healing center for grieving children. Programs help children cope with the death of a parent, sibling or other close family member or friend.
Michigan Alliance for Families: Provides information, support and education to families of children with disabilities.
Michigan Department of Human Services - Washtenaw: Medical services and children's health services
Parents as Teachers (PAT): Promote early development, learning and health of young children by supporting and engaging their parents and caregivers.
SOS Community Center: Promotes housing stability and family self-sufficiency through collaboration, care and respect.
Washtenaw County Immunization Program: Promotes and facilitates immunization of children and adults against vaccine preventable disease.
Washtenaw County Services for Families: Useful resources and links for families in Washtenaw County.
Washtenaw Success By 6: Resources for parents, including information on child development, preschool, child care, health insurance and parenting classes.