General Information

  • School Board meetings of the Milan Area Schools’ Board of Education are held in person. Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend.  Meetings are conducted in the District Board Room located at 100 Big Red Drive, Milan, MI 48160. Periodically, meetings may be held in the Dennis McComb Performing Arts Center located at 100 Big Red Drive, Milan, MI 48160. The District Office entrance will always be available for community members to enter the building. Meeting recordings will be distributed on Youtube.  The link to the MAS Board of Education Youtube Channel is: 

    The Milan Area Schools Board of Education welcomes you to its meetings.  All meetings are open to the public, so that citizens may have the benefit of observing Board business.  All formal action by the Board takes place during the public meetings.  Closed sessions may be held to discuss personnel matters, the purchase or sale of property for competitive bidding, disputes involving court action, negotiations with employees, and certain disciplinary matters.  We appreciate your interest in your schools and hope that you will plan to attend meetings of the Board of Education.  We believe community participation is essential to maintain excellent educational programs for the students of our district.  A copy of the agenda for the meeting is available near the meeting room entrance.  Public comments are welcome during the times designated in each Board agenda.

    Meeting Minutes
    Proposed minutes of Board meetings are available to the public, for inspection, eight business days after each meeting (in the District Office).  Copies of approved minutes are available five business days after the meeting at which they were approved (in the district office).

    Upon request to the Superintendent, the District shall make reasonable accommodations for a person with disabilities to be able to participate in these meetings.

    Special Concerns
    Individual concerns are best resolved by beginning at the source and following the chain of command.  If your concern relates to procedures in the classroom, begin with the teacher and/or principal.  For concerns related to other programs or services, begin by contacting the program/service director.  For additional assistance, contact the Superintendent’s Office.

    Public Participation
    Meetings held by the Board of Education are for the purpose of conducting school business.  A Board of Education meeting is not a “public meeting.”  It is a “meeting held in public.”  The difference between these two types of meetings is that a public meeting is usually designed for the free flow of information among all in attendance, whereas a meeting held in public is for observation and “Public Input” at specific times on the agenda.

    Participation in a Board Meeting
    You may address the Board during the agenda item, “Public Comments.” 

    When addressing the Board, you will be asked to state your name.  If you are representing an organization or group, you should indicate whether you are representing the official view of the group.  To assure adequate seating, large groups should notify the Superintendent’s Office at least three days prior to the meeting.  The Board determines the amount of time granted to individuals or groups to speak.  According to Board Policy 0167.3 Public Participation At Board Meetings:  “Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three (3) minutes duration.” 

    Board members may question speakers, but are not obligated to answer questions or make statements or commitments in response to issues raised by the public.  In general, such issues will be referred to the superintendent for advisement, investigation, study, and/or recommendation or designated as future agenda items for Board consideration.

    Upon request to the Superintendent, the District shall make reasonable accommodations for a person with disabilities to be able to participate in these meetings.

    Handling of Complaints
    Complaints shall first be handled through the chain of command before being considered by the board.  The board shall not hear complaints at an open meeting about named district personnel unless the named person requests to hear the complaint at an open session.

    Communicating with the Board
    Community members are always welcome to contact the Superintendent, the Board President, or any board member to ask questions, share information, or discuss any issue of concern.  Individual board members cannot act for the board or make any commitments for the board of education.

Meeting Schedule