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Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's Degree in Special Education (CI) Master's Degree in the Social Foundations of Education Doctorate Degree in Educational Studies

Dr. Chloe Wilson

My name is Dr. Chloe Wilson—also known as Dr. C—and I am looking forward to my second year at Milan Middle School. This year I will be working with 7/8 grade students on developing, practicing, and implementing reading strategies for comprehension in the Literacy Lab. We utilize the Adolescent Accelerated Reading Initiative (AARI) framework, which is an intensive course designed to help students more easily comprehend, critique, and retain what they read.

My background is in special education and I have been working with students with disabilities to foster social, behavioral, and communication skills and support academic growth since 2003 in both private practice and the public education system. My teaching degree is in special education (CI), my master’s degree is in the Social Foundations of Education with a concentration in Environmental Justice, and I have a Ph.D. in Educational Studies with a concentration in Urban Education. 

I grew up in the Waterloo area and love to spend time hiking, camping, and gardening. I have a small dog named Hana and two cats, Blink and Kuro. I enjoy reading, crossword puzzles, and knitting. 

I can always be reached at: