MMS teachers use for formative and summative assessments. Local assessments are teacher and course generated tests and projects. These are usually a summative assessment or review of a unit. However, quizzes, quick checks, and practice work are used to guide instruction. In addition to local assessments, MMS teachers also use NWEA, M-STEP, and PSAT data.
NWEA is a normative MAP test. NWEA is take three times a year in the subjects of ELA, math, and science. Parents and students can help more information at NWEA.org. NWEA normative/benchmark-type chart
M-STEP is the state assessment given in the Spring in grades 6 and 7 (ELA and Math) and 8 (Science and Social Studies). Parent Guide for reading reports
PSAT is the state assessment given in the Spring in the 8th grade (ELA and Math).