• MAS District Communication Committee Charter

    • The purpose of the MAS District Communications Committee is to develop a comprehensive communication plan that fosters student, family, staff, and community engagement and partnerships.  Please note: this committee is looking at district communications.  Broader School Board communication issues and ideas will be gathered and referred to the Board Communications Committee.

      • Goals

        • Strengthen communication between the district and the community

        • Broaden transparency of district communications

        • Support the varied communication interests and needs of the community

        • Make recommendations regarding district communications

        • Support the communication goal of the District Strategic Plan 

      • Membership

        • WHO: The committee will include a cross-section of interests of the district constituency, including parents and community members. In order to better understand the communication needs and expectations of the community, the committee shall include 6 to 8 members that encompass perspectives from each school building and the community.

          • MAS elementary and secondary parents/guardians representing the district’s demographics, to include geographic location, racial/cultural background, socio-economic background, student abilities, etc.

        • WHEN: The committee will meet monthly throughout the school year. Meeting dates, times, and locations will be determined by the committee.  Meetings will be in person.

        • HOW: As needed, members will be selected by the existing committee through an application process 

      • Membership Expectations

        • Desire to be engaged in advancing the district’s communication with the community

        • Willingness to meet, learn, problem solve, innovate and champion district communications that serve and engage the community