Online Payment Options


    Milan Area Schools has partnered with e-Funds to provide you with a convenient and efficient way to submit an online payment for:

    • AP Tests, Reimbursement for Online Classes, & Technology Fees (found under Optional Fees)
    • Infant Toddler Care, Preschool, or School Age Childcare
    • Variety of Community Ed Programs
    • e-Funds nolonger integrates with Meal Magic but can still be used for all other student fees, optional fees, donations, and all other non-lunch payments.   

    Please go to eFunds website to register with our site and to display your child's account information. Registration does not require you to make a payment. If you choose, you may simply log in to check your child's balances and continue to send your payments to the school directly as you always have in the past. In order to display your child's balance information, you must know your child's student ID.

    A convenience fee will be charged each time you make a payment to the system by checking out. Please note that you can make deposits into multiple children's accounts and only pay one convenience fee. If you have two children and you log in and deposit money into both of their accounts, you will only be assessed one convenience transaction fee at the time you checkout. For both of their accounts, you will only be assessed one $2.00 transaction fee at the time you checkout.


    To deposit funds into your students’ lunch account,  please use the Meal Magic Family Portal.

    • Click here:

    • Click accept when it says you are leaving the district website

    • Click on “Register”

    • Enter your email address and click Next

    • Scroll down and click accept

    • Scroll down and click accept

    • It will tell you an activation email has been sent to the email address you entered

    • Go to email and click on the link provided

    • Enter the following information

      • Name 

      • Passphrase (make one up)

      • Click Add a Person

      • Enter your student’s ID number

      • Enter your student’s first name 

      • Enter your student’s last name

    Adding Money for other Family Members
    After creating the account and you are logged into the account, click the Deposit button. Enter an amount for each student you want to make a deposit for and click Check-Out.  You will then see your payment options. Click the payment method you want to use, provide the requested information, and click the Pay button.