MAS Meal Prices


    Michigan School Meals (1 breakfast & 1 lunch) can be served at no cost to students for the 2024-2025 School Year.

    Any ala carte meal items and second meals must still be charged to the student.

    The prices below apply to students for second meals only.


    Regular for All Buildings: $1.25



    Adult for All Buildings:   Breakfast $3.01 / Lunch $5.25



Meal Prices

  • Breakfast:      
    $1.25   Reduced $.30

    Reduced: $.40
    Elementary: $2.70 Standard - $3.00 Premium
    Secondary: $3.00 Standard - 3.50 Premium
    Adult: $4.35

    For the 2021-2022 School Year
    Please rememebr that breakfast and lunch approved meals will be free to all students on scheduled school days.
    Individual mils and other food items are NOT Free.