Current Topics

  • Super Care Heroes

    We’re excited to share some wonderful news! A few of our outstanding staff members have been recognized as Super Care Heroes by Care Solace, our partner in mental health care coordination to give our community access to care at no cost. The Super Care Hero Award celebrates mental health advocates, school counselors, and school mental health staff who go above and beyond to connect students to the care they need.

    This recognition highlights their dedication to changing lives, supporting student well-being, and creating a positive impact in our community.

    Milan Area Schools has three Super Care Heroes:

    • Christina Barbara
    • Kyle McIntosh
    • Rachel Staley

    Please join us in congratulating these amazing individuals on this well-deserved honor. Their hard work and compassion make a difference every single day!

    Thank you for helping us celebrate our Super Care Heroes!

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  • Care Solace

    Dear Milan Area Schools Families, 

    Navigating mental health services for a child or family member, scheduling appointments, and navigating the cost of insurance can be overwhelming. In order to support our students, families, and staff, Milan Area Schools has partnered with Care Solace, a confidential service focused on removing barriers to accessing mental health care. This collaboration provides school district families and staff with access to Care Solace's care coordination services at no cost to families or staff. 

    Care Solace streamlines communication and coordination to connect individuals with the right resources and appropriate level of care. With a team of more than 500 dedicated Care Companions, Care Solace connects Milan Area Schools to over 420,000 licensed mental health and substance use treatment providers. These Care Companions navigate the fragmented mental health care system on behalf of individuals, helping them find the perfect fit for their unique needs and insurance requirements. 

    Families can connect with Care Solace via a staff referral, or may request assistance directly from Care Solace. Once a referral begins, Care Solace will work with the student, family, or staff member to help identify a local mental health provider that meets their needs, schedule an appointment with the provider, help navigate the insurance/payment requirements, and provide follow-up services. All of this information and actions taken after the referral are strictly confidential and not accessible by MAS.  

    Included with this message are two introductory flyers and an explanation of what to expect after connecting with Care Solace. If you have any questions about this service after reviewing these resources, please explore the Care Solace site at or contact a district counselor or social worker. 

    Care Solace Family Flyer
    Care Solace Family Flyer Spanish
    Care Solace Family Letter
    Care Solace Family Letter Spanish
    What to Expect After a Warm Hand-off Flyer
    What to Expect After a Warm Hand-off Flyer Spanish 

    Thank You,
    Bryan Girbach

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  • MAS Attendance Policy

    Hello Milan Area Schools Families,


    Milan Area Schools wants to inform our students and families that we will be implementing a new/updated attendance policy.  The policy implementation will begin on August 28, 2023, the first day of the 2023-2024 school.  


    The policy was developed by the district in conjunction with agencies from Monroe and Washtenaw Counties.


    While Milan Area Schools experiences good daily student attendance on average, some of our students do meet the state’s definition of being chronically absent.  Some of our students also meet the state’s definition of being truant.  Excessive absences affect a student’s ability to be successful in school.


    Important information about student attendance is included in the the “Milan Area Schools Attendance Policy”.  


    The policy includes:

    • The Michigan Compulsory Attendance Law
    • Definitions of Chronically Absent and Truant
    • Definitions of Excused and Unexcused Absences
    • Definitions of Late Arrivals, Early Pick-Ups, and Tardies
    • Specific Actions that Will be Taken at 8, 15, and 20 Unexcused Absences
    • Milan Area Schools Drop Policy


    Thank you for taking the time to review this important document.  It is imperative that your students attend school regularly.


    Thank You,

    Bryan Girbach

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  • My Future Fund

    Milan Area Schools is excited to announce our partnership with My Future Fund. Through the My Future Fund program, eligible 1st-5th grade students will get free money and support to jump-start their savings for college and career training. The My Future Fund program is operated by the Washtenaw Intermediate School District in collaboration with the Washtenaw County Government. Please visit for more information. 

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  • WCHD K-12 Guidance

    WCHD K-12 School Guidance

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Welcome to MAS

  • The city of Milan, which encompasses a total of 3.4 square miles, was founded in 1831 and is located in the Southeastern Counties of Washtenaw and Monroe in the State of Michigan. Located between the cultural and commercial hubs of Ann Arbor, MI and Toledo, OH, Milan has both rural and suburban areas.  

    The Milan School District embraces nearly 90 square miles and serves households in both Washtenaw and Monroe Counties.  The district is proud to note that its staff is made up of both veteran teachers and those new to the profession, all of whom are highly qualified. The four school buildings that comprise the Milan Area School District operate as schools-of-choice facilities and consistently enroll students from four surrounding counties. The district offers exceptional educational programs to approximately 2,000 students ranging from preschool age to grade twelve.

    The community is proud of the scholastic and extracurricular accomplishments of its students. School activities serve as an important part of the overall student experience and provide social activities for the entire community.

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