Message from the Principal
MHS Families,
From the very first day of our closure, MHS teachers and support staff have been working collaboratively to deliver enrichment activities. We are able to at this point provide you all with a more streamlined and enhanced enrichment section
We have designed these pages to follow the daily schedule of your student(s). Although this will not replace direct instruction, we are hoping that this will engage our students and provide them with a daily structure.We appreciate all that you and your child will be doing over the next few weeks as we work through these uncharted waters together. Please understand that the resources provided are optional activities. We know and understand our families are dealing with a lot right now and we do not want to overwhelm anyone.
On a personal note, I truly do miss seeing all of your children in our building. We are doing our best to keep them engaged and interested in school. We also know that everyone's number one priority right now is the health and safety of your family. We have very much appreciated your support and patience over the last couple of weeks.
Please use the following link going forward for your student enrichment activities. This link will give you access to all of our enrichment activities provided by our MHS Staff. Starting on Sunday, April 5, the staff google documents will be updated weekly on Sunday nights by midnight. If you have specific questions about a teacher's enrichment please contact that teacher directly. If you do not get a response from the teacher, please email Mr. Shinn at These documents will simply be updated, you will not need to search for other links or old files.
MHS Student Instructional Resources
Click here for current MHS Instructional Resources
If your family has technical issues, needs paper copies, or is struggling with how to implement these activities please contact Mr. Shinn at
Navigating the site-
1) The first two items are related to Dual-Enrollment and Online Courses.
2) The third item is for Google Hang Out and Zoom Sessions. This will provide an outline to ensure that our staff does not overlap sessions. Not all teachers are providing live sessions at this point.
3) After that, the teachers are in alphabetical order.
Additional Resources- These resources are still valuable. Please use as you and your family see fit.
Khan Academy- Your students already have access to this and it covers a wide variety of topics.
Common Lit- A free website with a variety of reading and writing resources.ELA
- Cartoons for the Classroom includes political cartoons and discussion questions that students could write about.
- Collegeboard provides students PSAT/SAT resources with access to Khan Academy for personalized learning.
- Albert has math practice and concept explanations per subject/grade level concepts.
- Mathopolis has math Games, Story Problem of the Day, and skills practice
- Learning Express Hub, From once there is an account created, students can have access for test prep resources for all standardized tests and AP tests. FAQ
- Skills Practice with videos and online tests. FAQ
- College Board, PSAT/SAT & AP Resources with access to Khan Academy for personalized resources. FAQ
- Online practice.
- Videos of teachers explaining math concepts and practice problems. FAQ
- Online Interactives. Troubleshooting
- Videos for upper el math standards by strands and concepts for all grade 8 - Calculus. Resource Support
- GeoPhysical Science
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
Social Studies
- Khan Academy
MHS Continuity of Learning Instructional Plan
As a result of COVID-19 and the closing of school buildings for the 2019-2020 School Year, school districts must submit a Continuity of Learning and COVID-19 Response Plan (“Plan”) in order to continue to receive state aid for operations. Although schools are closed and not providing in-person instruction, teaching and learning must continue. Michigan educators have been called to provide our students with continued learning.
The following document has been approved by the Washtenaw Intermediate School District and has been submitted to the State of Michigan:
MHS Continuity of Learning Instructional Plan