Foster Care & McKinney-Vento Support
Students in Foster Care:
If you are a foster parent or a foster care worker and have a student enrolled at Milan Area Schools, please reach out to Elise Hill, our district social worker and Foster Care Liaison. Mrs. Hill is able to offer support, provide resources, and help coordinate all educational needs for students in Foster Care.
Students in foster care will qualify for additional support at school, such as:
- Immediate enrollment and support with enrollment if needed.
- Receiving free breakfast and lunch.
- Help covering school related fees (such as field trips and technology fees).
- Educational support and assistance.
McKinney-Vento Support:
The federal McKinney-Vento Act considers individuals who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence as homeless. This includes students living in the following situations:
- Emergency shelters/transitional housing programs.
- Motels or hotels.
- Substandard housing, campgrounds;public or private place not designated for or ordinarily used as regular sleeping accommodation for humans, including cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, and bus or train stations; abandoned in a hospital.
- Shares housing (doubled up or 'couch surfing') with family or friends due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reasons (such as family conflict, unhealthy living conditions, unsafe situations, abuse or neglect, parental incarceration, or death).
If you and your child(ren) are living in one of these situations, your child(ren) could qualify for additional support at school, such as:
- Immediate enrollment and support with enrollment if needed.
- Receiving free breakfast and lunch.
- Help covering school related fees (such as field trips and technology fees).
- Educational support and assistance.
- Receiving school supplies, toiletries, and winter gear.
If you believe your child would qualify for this additional support, please contact Mrs. Hill, our district social worker and McKinney-Vento Liaison, directly or complete the online Education Project application using the link to the left.
Elise Hill, LMSW, District Social Worker - Foster Care Liaison and McKinney-Vento Liaison
Phone: 734.439.5086
Education Project Referral
Use this link if you believe your child would qualify for McKinney-Vento support at school.