Message from the Principal

Hello #PowerUpMMS families:

I hope you are safe, well, and healthy! 

If you or your students have social media accounts, this is a great way to stay connected to their school and teachers. Follow #PowerUpMMS on Facebook and Twitter, "like" Milan Middle School on Facebook for the latest updates and resources, or follow Milan_Middle_School on Instagram for some pictures of staff. We have been and will continue to post videos, pictures, and updates. Teachers are also sending emails and sharing resources, collaborating opportunities, and enrichment work through their Google classrooms. Your students can check their emails or online classrooms through their Google accounts on any device connected to the internet. 

This week's academic activities are linked below. 

Above all, it is important that our students' basic needs are being met. Having a sense of routine and schedule can be a big support and ease the transition from and back to school. Having time for reading, problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, and fitness are important. In addition, there's always time for students to learn about teamwork, work ethic, and responsibility, so coming up with chores and ways they can help out around the house will be mutually beneficial (and you can always blame the chores on me).

Stay safe, well, and healthy. 

Missing my staff and students,

Shanna Spickard, Proud (and lonely) MMS Principal